Magick Awakened: A Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Romance (House of Quercus Book 3)

Magick Awakened: A Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Romance (House of Quercus Book 3) by Eve Laird
Magick Awakened: A Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Romance (House of Quercus Book 3) by Eve Laird

She’s their saviour but she has absolutely no idea. Unless a Fallen Angel can convince her that he’s the good guy, their fate and that of the entire Other Natured community hangs in the balance.
He may have saved me from an unprovoked attack but that doesn’t stop him being arrogant, overconfident and unashamedly demanding. If it wasn’t for the fact his job offer would more than cover mom’s medical bills I would happily wait tables for the rest of my life.

But my attackers weren’t human and neither was his strength or ferocious fighting skills. It should have terrified me. Instead, I was enthralled.

He’s convinced there’s powerful magick within me but they way he looks at me only make me feel weak and far too hot.

I’d been given an order: convince Lenore to come with me, no questions asked. By any means necessary if needed. But neither of us had expected demons to already be hunting her, nor for me to be present when her magick awoke. Everything the preditiction said about her was right and then some.

I certainly hadn’t expected to feel attracted to her, yet I couldn’t help but be drawn into those beautiful, big, blue eyes. I’d kill them all for just one of her shy smiles. A smile I’d never see again if she knew my past.

I’ve never felt like this about anyone before – but what if it’s all just part of her magick?