Naughty Kisses: Warming Up to Love

Naughty Kisses: Warming Up to Love by Mayra Statham
Naughty Kisses: Warming Up to Love by Mayra Statham

One-night stands and booty calls are as far as I commit.

I’m not the guy you bring home to Mom. I’m the one you look for when you want naughty kisses and whispered sweet-nothings, and hell, baby, I deliver. Each and every time.

Or at least I used to.

Before my brother talked me into hiring a new waitress whose whiskey eyes have been driving me as crazy as the sight of her in those jeans.

She’s everything I didn’t think I would want.

There’s no warming up to love. It’s a freefall, and I’m taking her with me. I’ve always been a man who knows what he wants. And I want Leni Holden.