Will she open herself up to be loved unconditionally

Will she open herself up to be loved unconditionally

or will she put up her defenses and shut everyone out once and for all?

Our pick of Very Naughty Reads for today,
December, 23rd, 2019.

Sizzling hot, gripping and emotive… Finding Teagan features a sassy, woman who’s had to become fiercely independent and a former Navy SEAL Daddy Dom. Hot enough to melt all the winter snow, and naughty enough to put you on the Very Naughty list!

Grab your copy today for just 99c or FREE on KU!


Finding Teagan

Growing up as an abandoned orphan, Teagan Smith is determined to make something of herself while providing justice for abused women and children. As a ballsy, independent police detective, she does just that. Her career is fulfilling even while her personal life is nonexistent.Until the moment she looks up and sees her identical twin sister on television, a sister she didn’t know she had. Using her detective skills, she discovers not one but two identical sisters. Triplets.

Teagan suddenly went from having no family to an instant sibling group. Not only does she have two sisters to contend with, but her brother-in-law’s best friend is a dominant, nosy, and incredibly sexy former navy Seal who won’t take no for an answer. He challenges Teagan to love not only him, but herself as well. Demands that even her training could have never prepared her for.

Will Teagan open herself up to be loved unconditionally by the new people in her life, or will she put up her defenses and shut everyone out once and for all?

What the Reviews Say

Great Story line and enjoy how they all come together to make a plan to help Evie & break down the walls around Teagan’s heart & help her learn how to love again.

This is just a little series that is clearly going to become a favorite of mine. Each author has written a beautiful story and I’ll be waiting for the next one!!

Probably one of my favorite lines in this book is: “Teagan, don’t give up a beautiful future because of an ugly past”. My heart just melted at that line.

Luca is dominant and strict but also has a soft side that only those close to him will ever see. Together their chemistry is off the charts!

Teagan is such an amazing character. I want to be her bff. I love how well written she is and I could feel everything she was feeling. I was happy to see some familiar names! This was the perfect second story and I can’t wait to read more!


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