Masters Of The Broken Watches

Masters Of The Broken Watches by Razi Imam
Masters Of The Broken Watches by Razi Imam

Masters of the Broken Watches filters time, myth, science, and philosophy through the taut structure of a political thriller, gaining momentum with each chapter, as its scientists urgently investigate an almost inexplicable bending of the curve of time.

When you’re in a near-death experience, people say time slows down. What if time does actually slow down? Or when people experience being at the right place at the right time. What if one could predict with certainty that right time and place?

This genre-bending novel leaves readers on the edge of their seat. Thrilling like Blake Crouch and science-driven like Ted Chang, yet approached like you’ve never seen before. A captivating adventure that never slows down and makes you appreciate the scientific landscape of our world today.

This genre-bending novel leaves readers on the edge of their seat. Thrilling like Blake Crouch and science-driven like Ted Chang, yet approached like you’ve never seen before. A captivating adventure that never slows down and makes you appreciate the scientific landscape of our world today.