Letting her anywhere near my broken heart is way more dangerous.

Letting her anywhere near my broken heart is way more dangerous.

I left my badge behind and tried to forget.

Our recommended read for today,
November, 21st, 2019.

An ex-cop meets his match in a feisty, mob boss’s little sister. Forbidden Protector is a high-action, mafia romance with danger, passion and wonderful romance on every page. Recommended.

Grab your copy today for just 99c or FREE on KU!


Forbidden Protector

I left my badge behind and tried to forget.

When I took a job as bouncer at a biker club, I was just an ex-cop looking for a paycheck and a chance to beat up the drunks who start bar fights.
I never thought I’d be caught in a gang war.
Or that my boss’s little sister Connie would be so delicious, so hard to resist.
She’s a tough single mom, a feisty little thing who can take care of herself.
A rival gang makes a threat, and we all go on lock-down in the Twisted Souls compound while a gang war rages.
It’s my job to keep her safe.
Taking a bullet for her would be the easy part.
Letting her anywhere near my broken heart is way more dangerous.
From the first moment I tasted her lips, to our secret trysts inside the compound, where we could be caught at any second, I knew this wildcat of a woman had gotten to me.
Our blazing hot affair grinds to a halt when the enemy kidnaps Connie’s little girl.
I’ll do anything to save her, to bring her back home.
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Connie.
Even if it means telling her how I really feel…

If I can save her daughter… If I live through the night.

What the Reviews Say

Omg I am absolutely blown away by this book. It has it all from the heartbreak and struggles and letting yourself live again and action packed and suspense and romance and steamy sex and just absolutely loved it.

I loved the protective, smart, and caring man that Chance is, and the caring, sassy, protective mother that Connie is.

Ex-cop, Chance, who is now a bodyguard for Connie and her daughter, Annie. There is a forbidden romance, intrigue, suspense, biker gang war, and heartbreak that makes this an interesting story to read.

An enthralling, heart-pounding, deeply moving story about two scarred, lonely, and strong individuals who discover one another at a bar.

The tension is palpable between them and the potential romance is tentative…both are leery of getting into a relationship with anyone. Danger lurks close by!!!! There’s tons of excitement, danger, heroics, and sizzling romance in this incredible story!!!


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