Pretty, Dark and Dirty: A Forbidden Romance

Pretty, Dark and Dirty: A Forbidden Romance

Some lines should never be crossed.
But sometimes the temptation is too good to resist…

Mason Black was everything to me: my father, my provider, my protector. But then one day, he vanished, leaving me lost and alone.

I was devastated.

Years later, just when I thought I had put the pieces of my life together, my world splintered apart again. Everything I thought I knew about my biological father and Mason’s role in my life? Turns out, it was all a lie. Every. Last. Word.

Now Mason’s back.

However, he offers no excuses, no explanations. He just wants me to be what he claims I’ve always been: his little girl.

But the ache inside me won’t be denied. The longing I feel isn’t one of a little girl who misses her father.


I need Mason to be more than just a father figure.

More than a loving protector.

I need him to be my Daddy.

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