His cold heart melts and turns to pumping hot lava.

His cold heart melts and turns to pumping hot lava.

He’s so big he takes my breath away. He’s so stern he makes me tremble

Our recommended read for today,
November, 26th, 2019.

A ruthless mafia bad boy, she’s the intern that changes everything. Nicolai Powerful  is a hot and extremely naughty adventure that will satisfy your romance cravings and somehow leave you begging for more.

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Nicolai Powerful:
An Over The Top Alpha Powerful older man younger woman insta-love romance


Oh, but there’s SO much more to come!

Bouncy under an unruly
 mop of hair, ‘dirty blonde’ I believe it is called, she bursts into the executive elevator. A pair of watery eyes, wet red lips and curves that set my mind on fire. A merger with her assets would be strictly against company policy. I should know, it’s my company. But we’re going to play by my rules now.

I haven’t given a thought to love in years but this feisty a young intern has changed all that. What’s on the table is going to be her. This young firecracker may be a data whizz but all I can think about is how her curves will yield under my firm hand.

He’s so big he takes
 my breath away. He’s so stern he makes me tremble. And he’s so off-limits that he really shouldn’t make me feel the way that I do. I definitely should not picturing him in any of the ways that I do.He’s older, and it turns out, he’s my new boss. In fact in this corporation, he’s everybody’s new boss. But when he commands me, the feeling I get is so strong I don’t know how I’ll be able to resist.

He’s too old! He’s too big! His demands are too outrageous! But when this ruthless Russian hunk feels how his little intern responds to his discipline, his cold heart melts and turns to pumping hot lava. No cheating, just a lot of warm love, and the endings are all guaranteed Happy Ever After.


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